This is a 2 page LO I created to signify the first time my son used his real golf clubs. He received these clubs for his 6th birthday from his grandparents and couldn't wait to use them. I used a variety of carts to create these 2 pages. The first page of the LO I created from a variety of ideas I had collected in my head, however, I must pay credit where credit is due and page 2 of the LO is completely inspired by one of Kimberly Garofolo's (
Page 1 of LO
I used PC "Sports Mania" cartridge for the "Golf Addict". Clouds are from "April Showers" cartridge, sun is from the "Word Builders - an Ocean of Words". I used ink to color up the sun and clouds. The grass and flags was left over Jolee products I had in my stash.
LO Page 2
Here I used the "Varsity Letters" cartridge to create the "Swing" and the "April Showers" cartridge for the cloud. The poem is a short one I picked up from
Thanks for Looking :)
What a wonderful page this is. I love the vibrant colors you used and the great photos. TFS