All designs and creations posted by me are to provide others with inspiration and ideas. I appreciate you stopping by to view my work! Please feel free to use to my ideas on your own projects, but please give credit where credit is due and do not duplicate for contests/challenges or for selling purposes by recreating my projects. Thank you again for coming by!

Monday, October 3, 2011

My Lil' Golfer

This is a 2 page LO I created to signify the first time my son used his real golf clubs.  He received these clubs for his 6th birthday from his grandparents and couldn't wait to use them.  I used a variety of carts to create these 2 pages.  The first page of the LO I created from a variety of ideas I had collected in my head, however, I must pay credit where credit is due and page 2 of the LO is completely inspired by one of Kimberly Garofolo's ( 

Page 1 of LO

I used PC "Sports Mania" cartridge for the "Golf Addict".  Clouds are from "April Showers" cartridge, sun is from the "Word Builders - an Ocean of Words".  I used ink to color up the sun and clouds.  The grass and flags was left over Jolee products I had in my stash.

LO Page 2

Here I used the "Varsity Letters" cartridge to create the "Swing" and the "April Showers" cartridge for the cloud.  The poem is a short one I picked up from

Thanks for Looking :)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful page this is. I love the vibrant colors you used and the great photos. TFS
